
Unlock the Power of Digital Connections
Petra Zink Petra Zink

Unlock the Power of Digital Connections

Social Media has changed the way we communicate with each other but also the expectations on how we want to be communicated with.

The question is no longer if we have to be on online networks but how to and make the most out of it, personally & professionally. Kylie Chown, LinkedIn Strategist joined us for an insightful month on shared some insights in best practise for how to network online like a pro.

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The 6 P's to build your Online Brand
Petra Zink Petra Zink

The 6 P's to build your Online Brand

40,000 search queries every second on average which translates to over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide make it quite obvious that chances that you have been googled - by a future employer or recruiter, a potential prospect or a date - are quite high.

Whether you like it or not - you already have a personal brand. It’s based on aggregated data of your purchasing habits, browsing history and all of your social media posts. It’s established with or without your control.

But the good news is that you can take control of how we present ourselves in the best way to tackle what comes up when someone Googles your name.

Check out the 5Ps on how you can build your profile and brand online effectively and efficienlty.


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Step-by-Step Guide to identify your Personal Brand
Petra Zink Petra Zink

Step-by-Step Guide to identify your Personal Brand

Whether you like (to admit) it or not - you already have a Personal Brand.

Fact is, people categorise people because it gives us security on what to expect and this mechanism has worked for centuries for us to survive - it let's us quickly identify whether we encounter a friend or an enemy.

Yes, we may not run away from tigers these days but the brain still follows the same principles as from our ancestors. However, it is up to us to influence and take control over how others (should) perceive us! 

So let's get started and identify your own brand!

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Leadership in 2017 & beyond
Petra Zink Petra Zink

Leadership in 2017 & beyond

Leadership is one of the most critical skills of today - but more importantly - tomorrow given the complex and even faster paced environment we are in. 

Read on to learn more what it takes to be(come) a leader who doesn't only bring the best out of others but more importantly - the best of you first. You can't lead if you don't have clarity where the journey should go to!

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How to ignite your passion and find your calling
Petra Zink Petra Zink

How to ignite your passion and find your calling

Who hasn't been told that you need to find your passion and purpose, your why and your calling. But how many of them have also told you 'how to' actually find it?

Here are 6 steps that I have been experiencing and discovering over and over again helping to bring more clarity into our blurred visions - not only on myself having gone through 3 career chances but hundreds of people.

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Personal Branding for Students (and life-long Learners)
Petra Zink Petra Zink

Personal Branding for Students (and life-long Learners)

I'm just a Student. I don't have anything interesting to say. What would others be interested to hear from me? You think because you are a student, it is too early to build your Brand? WRONG! It is never ever and ever too early to get started. It will actually give you a kick start when it comes to facing the real world, getting in and amongst the corporate world and getting the first job which is hard enough. Read on for an inspiring student who identified her story and USP in a matter of minutes.

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Defining, aligning and optimizing your Personal Brand with your Leadership Brand.
Petra Zink Petra Zink

Defining, aligning and optimizing your Personal Brand with your Leadership Brand.

People follow you because they believe in you, your abilities and resonate with the way you approach problems. In order to get followers, you need to be in it to win and and show your people who you are, what you stand for, where they fit and where they can best contribute to you and your organization. People want to be part of a workplace that allows them to be their natural, authentic selves as this is the key for them to be as engaged and productive as possible. But for that, people need leaders with strong identities that provide clarity and understanding for what their leadership solves for - leaders who have a strong identity that supports their personal efforts to be more confident and determined in how they lead and influence others.

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Why Social Media is critical when you are a Leader (to be)
Petra Zink Petra Zink

Why Social Media is critical when you are a Leader (to be)

Leadership is more than just performance management and holding titles. It's about inspiring others to do more, become more and achieve more as this leads to the ultimate productivity and results that can never be achieved by mediocre attitude towards work. It's the feeling of empowerment that makes people want to become even better and be a role model for others.

And you don't need to be in a management position to be a leader. Whatever you do, wherever you are - you can be(come) a (thought) leader in your field. Read more for 'how to' ... 

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Why (personal) brands matter
Petra Zink Petra Zink

Why (personal) brands matter

Why pay $5 for a coffee when you can get it for $3? 

Exactly! Because you pay for an experience, for a perception and an emotion you get by consuming this brand. And guess what? There is no difference to a personal brand!

Read on for 7 other reasons why personal brands matter (and will become even more important)

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How to kick start your Career in Digital Marketing
Petra Zink Petra Zink

How to kick start your Career in Digital Marketing

Not many Industries and Professions are as complex and diverse as Digital Marketing. It has many facets and accommodates very different personalities and skill sets to succeed in this Career. Like everything else, the start is always the hardest - it doesn't matter whether you are a seasoned marketer who is up-skilling in the digital side of it or if you just get started in your (marketing) Career. And because this Industry requires constant learning and development, these are my top 10 tips on how to make a living in the world of digital.

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Are you still having a Job or already a Career?
Petra Zink Petra Zink

Are you still having a Job or already a Career?

In this world where the only constant is change, being prepared for what's ahead of us to stay relevant is key. However, not everything is always as obvious as it seems and with our busy lives, it is too easy to get in a rut and do the same thing over and over to pay the bills. But what if you could find not only your real passion and strengths but also a way to make a living of it? 

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