10 Content Topic Ideas for Employer Branding

It can be hard to constantly come up with new content but here are some Inspirations that will give your Content Strategy a fresh Kick!

10. Awards Received especially when related to Employee Experience

Receiving an Award as a Company is an Achievement and one to be proud of especially if it recognises the Employer to be on the forefront for (potential) Employee Experience. However, it should not become an Overkill on the Careers Page and take over all other Content but if there are some Awards that can be promoted in particular acknowledging Efforts towards Candidate Experience, it is not a bad Idea to include them (and the Back Story) as Employer Branding Content. 


9. Employee/Recruiter Blogs

Talents are interested in the ‘Naked Truth’, the Real Story from Real People. Empowering not only Your Recruitment Team but also Your Staff to Share their Story and Experience with the Company/Company’s Product can work Wonders to Attract Talents. If You want to position Your Company as Thought Leader in a particular Area, consider starting a Blog where Staff can contribute and give Insights from their Expertise and Experience Point of View. This more generic, educational Content will also help raising Awareness for Your Brand/Product and bring Traffic to Your Website as it engages with (future) Employees with what you do.


8. Community and Sustainability Initiatives

Recent research has found that an overwhelming majority of Millennials want to work for an Organization that cares about its impact on the Community. If Your Company isn’t already engaged with any Social Activities, this should be Reason enough to get into it. Do your Research and find out what Your Ideal Talent Group is interested in supporting and how it fits with Your overall Company Strategy/ Direction. Your Recruitment Team should then devote a portion of Your Employer Brand Content to the selected Community-based Programs or Results.


7. Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ’s are a must on most Websites, including Your Career Site. They can provide most of the basic Info Candidates would otherwise have to search for, and can even help weed out unsuitable Candidates. Think about the Questions Candidates might ask before they apply, and see how many of those can be answered in on an FAQ page. Plus, a well-written FAQ section can also boost Your Career’s Site’s SEO and improve Your Ranking.


6. Diversity-Culture Information

Diversity in the Workplace has become increasingly important to Candidates and Employers as it also shows he Company’s View towards Culture. Especially if You aim to Attract more Females, having supportive Content, ideally showcasing a ‘Real-Life’ Example from Women across all levels, from Grad to Leaders can promotes your Efforts and Supportive for a diverse Workforce,


5. Financial Information

This Category can show various Numbers, Stats and Results, but it’s likely some Candidates want to know if You as an Employer are financially stable and positioned for future Growth. If an Applicant doesn’t see Success for Your Company down the Road, they may also worry that Promotions, Salary Increases and Career Progression won’t translate in Financial Rewards for them as potential Employees.


4. Answers to ‘Why’ People Want to Work Here

Jobs are much more these Days than just serving the ‘Paying Bills Purpose. Candidates are interested in being Part of a Team/Organisation with a Purpose that align with their own Values. Sharing Stats and Facts is great and important but connecting on a deeper level is achieved through Emotional Motives. Knowing why another Employees / Peers chose to work at Your Organization can trigger this strong Feelings of also wanting to be part of what You have. If You haven’t done it yet, get Your Recruitment Team to conduct a quick Survey and ask current Employees this Question and publicise the Responses in an authentic and engaging way.


3. Employee Testimonials

Senior Management and Executives can tell how great your Company is to work for, but for most future Talents, the ‘Real Deal’ comes from Peers they can relate to and don’t have an Agenda (= recruit them) which is way more powerful and convincing. Videos featuring Staff in various Environments, showing a typical Day working at Your Company and sharing their genuine Story is what really engaged and attracts.


2. Product/Services Information

As much as future Employees are interested in the Behind the Scenes of Your Company from a Culture and Team Perspective, having a strong Product/Service in the Market and Pride in it is equally important to them. Your Corporate Marketing and Your Employer Brand Communication should be aligned and tell the same Story. Satisfied Customers can quickly become the most Powerful Employer Advocates when employed and talk about their Personal Experience with it which gives Your Company the strongest Marketing Support You can hope for - Testimonials. 


1. Values

To (future) Candidates, being able to identify with Your Company’s Values is the most important Fact when it comes to engage with Your Organisation as again, these are the Emotional Drivers which trigger the strongest Connection. Whatever Your Values are, share them as Real Life Content, e.g. Facebook Posts about recent Advancements in Gender Equality, Press Releases about what you have done supporting Your chosen Corporate Social Responsibility Activities, or even a Blog Post from an Employee about a Personal Success Story that are aligned with the Company’s Values. Millennial workers are especially motivated by the Missions of the Company they are (going to) work for, so Content that emphasizes them is an essential part of any Employer Branding Strategy.


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