The Trifecta To Amplify Your Brand's Value and Perception

Building a powerful personal brand isn't just about what you do or say; it's about how others perceive you and the value you bring to the table. 

In this blog, we're uncovering the three key elements that form the trifecta for enhancing your brand's impact and influence.

First up, before you think this episode may not be for you because you are already in a senior role and don’t have that much polishing to do anymore when it comes to your influence, presence and impact or you may be on the other end and think that your current level is too junior to consider uplevelling your brand and presence -  let’s talk about why I’m certain that you will walk away from this episode with at least 1 compelling reason and definitely at least 1 idea to put into practise:

  1. Perception = Reality. As much as we don’t want to admit that we judge a book by its cover, we do. We only have a split second to impress someone/ get their attention and grainy images, an incomplete profile or outdated info certainly don’t work in your favour. Think about it: when was the last time you Googled someone before a meeting or interview? Chances are, you've done it more times than you can count. And what you found during those searches likely influenced your perception of that individual before you even met them in person. That's the power of perception. Now, imagine if that someone was you. What would people find when they Google your name? Are you putting your best foot forward, or are there areas for improvement? These are the questions we'll be diving into today as we explore the three key elements of enhancing your personal brand: perception, content, and consistency.

  2. More refinement = less thinking and manual handling: Upleveling doesn’t just mean external improvements. It also refers to backend improvements that can make your life easier but also the experience people have with you better. Think os ready-to-go ‘about me’ summaries, speaker kits, media kits, outreach messages, a central folder for your branding and marketing assets and so forth

  3. Future-proofing your career. In today's dynamic and competitive job market, adaptability and agility are key. There are so many discussions at the moment around the sentiment skills > degrees because traditional education systems aren’t fast enough to catch up on what industry needs. Employers increasingly value professionals with practical experience and a demonstrated ability to stay current in their field. By showcasing your up-to-date content, curated online footprint, and active involvement in relevant networks or communities, you set yourself apart and enhance your value proposition in the eyes of employers and clients alike.

Ok- so hopefully that set the scene why you should consider upgrading your personal brand, may it be to be more efficient with managing your reputation and presence by implementing assets, systems or processes or by simply showing that you are up to date and already live the value your decision maker is looking for.

Now the next question is - what aspects should you even consider to upgrade?

I truly believe in the trifecta of your brand value:

  1. Credibility through assets, systems and processes

  2. Content and thought leadership to demonstrate originality

  3. Community and connections to validate your authority and POV

Credibility is the foundation of any personal brand. It's about establishing trust and reliability in the eyes of your audience or stakeholders. One of the most defining assets that set you apart from the rest in your field or industry having a documented signature framework, supported by engaging visuals that can be shared and used to explain to a wider audience. The other asset you need to consider are your visuals, meaning your photos and videos that are online. How up to date are they? How professional whilst relatable are they? How much do they show your personality and give people an indication of who you are and how you do what you do?

Things to consider for an upgrade:

  1. Make your IP visual and traceable: Develop a signature framework, process or method to support your brand promise, meaning: what you want to be known for. Turn this into an engaging visual and use it for social media posts, keynotes and other presentations/ conversations 

  2. Your visual assets: book in regular photoshoots to make sure your online presence accurately represents you and also shows you from different angles. Headshots are nice but quite 2020 so you want to use photography to communicate who you are beyond the titles and credentials 

  3. Your online presence and footprint: how up to date are your online profiles, whether you’re active on them or not? When I update my headshot and banner image which is usually 1-2x a year, I make sure every platform gets an update to ensure consistency across my online presence

As much as you are responsible to build your own credibility through transparency, consistency and cohesiveness, another extremely important aspect is your social proof, meaning: your network and the community you’re in / surround yourself with / build.

Your network plays a pivotal role in shaping your brand's perception and expanding your opportunities because people’s BS radar is higher than ever before and tapping into someone else’s credibility and status can fast-track your own.

I talk in more detail about building your next level network in a couple of weeks so make sure you subscribe to the show and don’t miss it.

But in a nutshell: uplevelling your network means either building or joining a community with next-level decision-makers rather than peers. Too often, we get stuck in the grind, consumed by day-to-day tasks, that we don’t have the bandwidth to focus on who we need to connect with for our next step. Whether it's engaging with more senior stakeholders internally, connecting with influential leaders externally, or seeking out mentors who have achieved what we aspire to, upgrading your network involves intentionally seeking out those who can elevate your brand and open doors to new opportunities.

I can give you the comparison with masterminds I’ve joined over the years as one of many ways to build a next level network: The first ever mastermind I joined had the promise to get you clients through funnels and guarantee a steady $10k month.

Now the investment was $10k USD for that which was a massive investment for me back then as I had just left corporate, was 6 months into running my own business, not knowing exactly where the next paycheck comes from. This investment was a big decision for me but what I learned there was normalising $10k months as the majority of the people in there had made that already their standard. Then I ‘graduated’ from that and joined a mastermind focused more on scaling rather than establishing and growing.

This mastermind was all about the 6 to 7-figure business journey and I learned more the operational side of building a business instead of the messaging and initial sales funnels. Fast-forwarding to 2022 when I joined another mastermind which I’m still in is more on making everything more sophisticated, from free content to the sales journey, from operational processes in the background to operational excellence for clients. You see - new levels new devils but it is your responsibility to seek out those groups and people who are already playing the game you want to get into before you are there as otherwise it either takes you forever to learn everything by yourself or you don’t even think of ways to go beyond the known.

Now, let’s add one more strategy to upgrade your personal brand that hasn't been covered yet:

Thought Leadership: I know it’s an overused term and gets people’s eyes rolling, but it’s an important one to cover as this is what increases your perception and value to others. 

Thought leaders are people who don’t just regurgitate content that’s already widely known; they bring a new perspective, different language, or a style that isn’t usual to the industry or profession.

This differentiation could be based on various reasons. For example, it may be because of insights from original research they conducted, offering fresh insights and perspectives. Alternatively, it could be due to their controversial opinions and approach to typical topics, challenging conventional wisdom and sparking meaningful discussions. Lastly, some thought leaders leverage their personality, which doesn't fit the standard mold, to engage and resonate with their audience on a deeper level, establishing a unique brand identity.


Want to become the Trusted Authority in your field by building and monetising your expertise?

Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources:

1.) Get your copy of my my book - Trusted Authority - From Technical Expert To Trusted Authority   

2.) Book your complimentary 20min Strategy Session

3.) Connect with Petra Zink on LinkedIn

Check out all show notes and further resources over at 


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